Translate Post

  • Posts
Permitted Roles Administrator Editor
Summary Translate a post for dual-language sites from either English to the native language or from the native language into English.

Video Guide

Quick Start

  1. Click the
    • Posts
    menu in the left sidebar.

  2. Click the plus sign next to the post that needs translation.

    Note that the menu at the top of the Posts page displays how many posts are in each language. By clicking on this link, a list of posts in that language will load.

  3. Enter the translated title and the translated body content in the WYSIWYG editor.

  4. Confirm that the proper categories are selected for the translated post in the Categories section on the right-hand side.

  5. Click the Save Draft button in the Publish section on the right-hand side.

    If the original post had thumbnail images, they will now appear in the Post Images section.

  6. Select relevant translations for the remaining post sections.

  7. Click the Publish button to publish the translated post immediately. Alternatively, click the Save Draft button to save a draft of the translated post.

More Information

If the original blog post had links, resources, associated expertise, or authors, a translated version will need to be created or selected. For the sections Resources, Expertise, and Authors, if there is a translation in the system for the relevant section, be sure to select it. If 'No matches found' displays or the relevant item is not present, a translation needs to be created.