Add Expertise

  • Expertise
  • Add New
Permitted Roles Administrator Editor
Summary Add a new Expertise to WordPress.

Video Guide

Quick Start

  1. Click the
    • Expertise
    • Add New
    menu in the left sidebar.

  2. Enter the Expertise name in the Title field.

  3. Enter the Expertise description in the WYSIWYG editor.

    The description text can be formatted within the editor.

  4. Add all necessary thumbnails in the Expertise Images section.

    The Icon, which appears at the top of the Expertise page, must be 350x350 pixels. The Thumbnail, which is used on the Expertise listing page, must be 700x700 pixels.

  5. Add any optional resources by selecting them from the left-hand side of the Resources section.

  6. Enter a teaser in the Expertise Information section.

    The teaser appears on the Expertise listing page.

  7. Enter an optional Global URL to this Expertise's page on

  8. If desired, tag the Expertise as featured in the Tags section.

    If the Expertise is featured, it will appear at the top of the Expertise listing page.

  9. If desired, associate this Expertise with a parent Expertise in the Attributes section.

    If an Expertise is a child of another Expertise, it will inherit its icon and that will appear at the top of the child Expertise's page.

  10. Click the Publish button to publish the Expertise immediately. Alternatively, click the Save Draft button to save a draft of the Expertise.